Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Garden Travels: High Line Gardens

If you're looking for a unique urban garden, this is the place to see. Located in Manhattan, New York, on the west side, the High Line Gardens grow 30 feet above the city hustle and bustle on a once abandoned railroad track. Built in the 1930's, trains traveled across these tracks for decades until interstate trucking took over. The tracks were threatened for demolition until advocates spoke out to reclaim this area. What was once an industrialized site is now a lush scene of natural beauty all because of the vision of a few key individuals.

The High Line gardens are a public facility opened daily for visitation. You can visit the website for hours and access points as well as a detailed history of the site.

This space has become a popular attraction for tourists and locals as a place to have picnics, visit with friends, and just enjoy the integration of urbanization and nature.

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